Connecting Innovative Products to Leading Retailers
With deep industry connections and operational experience, our team knows what it takes to drive connection to gain wholesale and retail commitments to innovative and challenger brands.

Choose FLS
FLS Connects innovators, upstarts, disrupters, challengers, underdogs, regional player, better-for-you, best-in-class, and independent brands to leading retailers and wholesalers for store placement in all classes of trade. Contact us today – Is your brand ready to be connected?
How we Roll
Our job is to gain attention for smaller and unique brands with Wholesalers and Retailers who have ZERO time to consider new products.

Deep relationships
Our team has developed strong relationships with leading decision makers and industry leaders across all categories of retail and wholesale trade.

Industry Knowledge
With a combined 40+ years of experience in retail operation, wholesale operation, category management, and leadership consulting, we will help our clients learn.

Value focus
Outlining and communicating the brand's value to retailers and wholesalers is our focus and goal. We relentlessly pursue customer value.

Selective Onboarding
There are many DTC and challenger brands working to gain in-store placements. We can't work with all of them, so we focus on those that can win market share on highly competitive shelves.
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